This News Page provides a summary of what has transpired at Town Council meetings during the past year.  Go to the “Meetings Agenda/Minutes” Page for official meeting minutes.






NOTICE:  The Danbury Town Council is looking for residents interested in serving on the Town Planning Board/Board of Adjustment.  One regular position and two alternate positions are available.  If you live in Danbury or its ETJ this is a great opportunity to get involved in town planning.  If interested, contact town administrator Mike Barsness at 336 593-2002.  You are also welcome to contact any town council member. 

Click on the attached job description below.

2024-01-29 Planning Board Duties


AFTER-HOURS WATER OR SEWER EMERGENCIES are the responsibility of the Stokes County Public Works Department at 336 593-2406.


GARBAGE PICK UP – CHANGES IN SCHEDULE:   Occasionally, a sudden change in garbage pick-up dates will occur, usually associated with holidays or weather conditions.  We will try to post any information on this page as soon as we may be notified by the garbage collection contractor.  The contractor, Foothill Waste Solutions, also posts such information on their Facebook Page.


LAWN MOWING NOTICE:   We are asking Danbury residents to please not blow grass clippings into the street.  It is dangerous to bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians, and can increase the distance a vehicle needs to stop, especially when the roadway becomes wet.  Grass obscures lane markings, stop bars and turn arrows.  Be aware that it is illegal to place any debris on a public road and may also result in civil liability if someone is injured.  Please help us out.  If your clippings end up in the street, use a leaf blower to remove them.  Thank you for understanding.


ROAD EDGE MOWING:  The Town contracts for roadside mowing in an effort to control encroaching grass and brush.  It also improves visibility for motorists.  This work is typically undertaken in June and again in October.  The Town is responsible for town-maintained streets only.  NCDOT has responsibility for state-maintained roads such as Main Street (8/89), Seven Island Road, Sheppard Mill Road, and Hanging Rock Forest Road.


PLEASE SLOW DOWN – Town Council members frequently discuss pedestrian safety as residents and visitors go about their business on Main Street. While the design of our streets is unlikely to change, as motorists we can change our behavior. Not only is excessive speed dangerous to pedestrians, it is also the cause of death or injury to pets and wildlife. Deer are frequently present after dark. Everyone is being asked to obey speed limits and to be alert for people and animals crossing the street. Please help us out.



  • January 24, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • February 28, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Town Hall
  • March 27, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • April 24, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • May 22, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • June 26, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • July 24, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • August 28, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • September 25, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • October 23, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • November 20, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library
  • December 18, 2024, 6:30 PM, Danbury Library

NOTE:  November and December meeting dates are subject to change due to holidays.


Town Council meetings are scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month unless noted otherwise.

A proposed agenda will be posted by the Monday before the meeting. 

All meetings are planned to be held at the Danbury Library, 6:30 PM, unless noted otherwise on the schedule above. 


COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS — Go to “Agenda/Minutes” page for complete record of official minutes for any meeting.


  1. Mayor Pro-tem Gary East administered the oath of office to Renea Brown as the new Danbury Town Clerk.
  2. Council adopted Ordinance 2024-03, to allow the closure of Main Street on Saturday, 9/14/24, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, so the annual parade can travel from the Government Center to Moratock Park.
  3. Estimates will be obtained to repave the remainder of Old Church Road.  This will use the remainder of ARP grant funds.


  1. Mayor Janet Whitt passed away unexpectedly on July 19, 2024.  Services were held on July 22, 2024, in Danbury.
  2. Danbury Town Clerk Dianne Starnes is retiring after 26 years of service with the Town.  Her presence will be missed.
  3. Preparations are underway for the annual parade in Danbury.


  1. The Oath of Office was administered to Jake Elsdon who is now the newest member of the Danbury Planning and Zoning Board representing the ETJ.
  2. Council approved the FY 2023-24 Final Adopted Budget in the amount of $81,704.00.
  3. Council approved the FY 2024-25 Budget in the amount of $77,500.00.
  4. Council approved the FYE 6/30/2024 audit contract as proposed by Gardner & Co. in the amount of $7,905.00.
  5. Council approved exploring the possibility of installing publicly accessible EV charging stations in Danbury.  This would be through participation in a regional grant.


  1. Council held a public hearing on the proposed budget for FY 2024-25 in the amount of $76,980.00.  This represents a 1% decrease.
  2. Council approved a contract with NCDOT to construct sidewalks between Main Street and the new Sheppard Mill Road bridge.  The town share will be approximately $2,545.00.
  3. Council approved review and update to the Wellhead Protection District Ordinance.  This will occur with assistance from the NC Rural Water Association at no cost to the town.
  4. Council approved beginning the process for replacing the retiring Town Clerk.


  1. Council set May 22, 2024, as the date for a public hearing to receive comment on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-25.  The meeting will be at the library, 6:30 PM.
  2. Council increased the current budget by $5,500.00 to replace the roof on town hall.
  3. Council repealed and re-adopted a revised Zoning Ordinance.  This was necessary due to changes in state law.


  1. Council held a public hearing to receive comment on the proposed zoning ordinance revisions.  No comment was provided.
  2. Council reviewed two quotes to replace the roof at town hall.  Council voted to accept the quote of $5,000.00 provided by Tip Top Roofing of King, NC.


  1. Council set March 27, 2024, as the date for a public hearing to hear comment before considering adoption of the revised Zoning Ordinance.
  2. Council increased the 2023-24 budget in the amount of $4,200.00 for a total budget of $81,580.00.
  3. Council amended the SCIF project budget to add $6,000.00 from the Powell Fund.  Total budget is $206,000.00.  Street paving list can be inspected at town hall.
  4. Council amended the ARP project budget by decreasing the budget by $10,500.00 in Powell funding.  Total budget is $58,321.00.  Street paving list can be inspected at town hall.


  1. Council voted to re-establish alternate positions on the planning board.  
  2. A public hearing date will be set once a recommendation is received from the planning board regarding revisions to the Zoning Ordinance.
  3. Council approved the addition of a streetlight at the intersection of Camping Island Creek Road and Main Street.  The existing decorative streetlights do not project enough light for pedestrians.
  4. There is enough SCIF Grant money remaining to repave Courthouse Circle, Meadow Road (east), and the remainder of North Mill Hill Street.  King Circle and South Mill Hill Street were previously approved and will be repaved, as well.

COUNCIL MEETING — 12/27/2023

  1. The annual Town audit report was presented by Trevor Gardner of Rouse, Rouse, Rouse, and Gardner, LLC.  The Town’s books were in order and finances were healthy with sufficient reserves.
  2. Council member Gary East was appointed Mayor Pro-tem.
  3. The town hall roof is in need of replacement.  Estimates will be obtained.
  4. Additional streets will be repaved when the weather improves.

COUNCIL MEETING — 11/29/2023

  1. Council approved payment to NCDOT in the total amount of $83,068.51 for street paving.  Funds are provided through a State Capital Improvement Fund Grant awarded to Stokes County.  The Town of Danbury is a sub-recipient of the grant funding in the amount of $200,000.00.

COUNCIL MEETING — 10/25/2023

  1. Council approved an amendment SCIF Budget Ordinance 2023-01 to reflect inclusion of Camping Island Creek Road as a street to be graded and paved in the approximate amount of $17,000.00.
  2. Council adopted American Rescue Plan (ARP) Grant Project Budget Ordinance 2023-04 in the amount of $68,821.64 for the purpose of paving Crestview Road, Old Church Road, King Circle, and South Mill Hill Street.  This amount includes $10,500.00 of restricted Powell funds.


  1. Council approved street paving payment to NCDOT in the amount of $52,735.48.  This amount is reimbursed through the SCIF Grant.
  2. Council approved additional street repair on Sheeprock Road in the approximate amount of $6,000.00.  This amount is reimbursed through the SCIF Grant.
  3. Council approved Camping Island Creek Road to be regraded and paved at an estimated cost of $17,000.00.  This amount to be reimbursed under the SCIF Grant. 
  4. Possible improvements to Sheppard Mill Road intersection with NC 8/89.  Options include a roundabout or a southbound turn lane.  The roundabout option is in express design stage.  It is very early in project planning.  Public input will occur at the proper time.  No NCDOT funding has been committed at this point.



Planning and Zoning Board Meetings–The Planning and Zoning Board meets on an as-needed basis. Meeting dates are posted in advance.

Recycling in Danbury— Danbury residents who are currently receiving garbage service are encouraged to take advantage of curbside recycling. This service occurs on an every-other-week basis. The pickup schedule can be found under the “Departments” tab.


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